Wednesday, June 09, 2010

M22 W2 Press Training

Hi everyone,
I haven't posted a training update in a week….Well, lots of things have been happening on a lot of fronts.
I am hunting for a job and that is taking up a lot of time because I need to apply everything I have learnt about the US markets to Indian financial markets and it is very time consuming.
I also found out that the little spat I had at the gym last week could result in me getting suspended from my club. Thankfully there are a bunch of older gentlemen who have been friends of mine for the last 7+ years and are ex-bodybuilders who are in support of me so I don't think anything serious will happen about the complaint filed against me. Talk about local level club politics…Nonetheless this is taking up a lot of my mental energy because I feel this is one of those situations where a mountain is made out of a mole hill and the guy I am up against is throwing his weight around to prove he still has what it takes. Doing this with a 22 year old kid seems silly to me though….Oh, and I turned 22 a few weeks ago as well.
So, here is a very short update on what I have been doing in the gym:

2nd June 2010 Wednesday Mesocycle 22 Week 2 Press Training

Pull-ups: 14+ 12 + 10 + 10 = 46 reps total
Banded OHP: 135 lbs x 4 reps x 3 sets
Unilateral OHP: 30 kgs x 3 reps x 3 sets
Side Lateral Raises: 6 kgs x 10 reps x 3 sets
This is the day I had a fight with that gentleman.

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