Sunday, June 13, 2010

M22 W4 Deadlift Training + UPDATE

13th June 2010 Sunday Mesocycle 22 Week 4 Deadlift Training

Deadlifts: 415x2
Front Squats: 235x5

Firstly, I apologize for the long absence. I have been training like normal but there are too many changes going on so I haven't been able to have too many satisfying workouts. So, there haven't been any recent updates.

I was extremely dejected after today's workout, but after conferring with Eric, I am accepting things better.

There are a lot of changes going on in my life and I had expected lifting to be a constant but I was wrong.

I have also become very unmotivated with my training and the lack of equipment and stuff at my gym is bothering me a lot.

I should have my home gym set up sometime in the next 3-4 weeks.

So, in the interim I am going to be focusing my training around 3 exercises: Pistol Squats, Pull-ups and Unilateral Overhead Presses.

In short, a whole lot more pulling and pushing and whatever lower body work I do right now is going to be either Pistol Squats or Overhead Squats or Front Squats. No more Deadlifting regularly. Each workout will be taken as it is. This is just a heads up to everybody.

I will update this log regularly as well.

Here is the 4 day layout as of now:

Full Body 1

  • Pistol Squats
  • Pull-ups
  • Close Grip Bench Press
  • Core Training

  • Unilateral Overhead Press
  • Chest Supported Rows
  • High Cable Rows
  • Core Training

  • Front Squats
  • Unilateral RDLs
  • Reverse Lunges
  • Core Training

Full Body 2
  • Overhead Squats
  • Pull-ups (weighted)
  • Facepulls
  • Core Training

The way this will be laid out is:

Day 1: Full Body 1
Day 2: Off
Day 3: Upper
Day 4: Lower
Day 5: Off
Day 6: Full Body 2
Day 7: Off
Day 8: Off
Day 9: Repeat

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