Sunday, October 31, 2010

M27 W1 Deadlift Training

DEADLIFT TRAINING - Mesocycle 27 Week 1

Last night's workout...

Banded Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
185 x 7 <<-- by mistake
135 x 7
235 x 5

Banded Deadlift Work Sets:
315 x 5
345 x 4
385 x 2
405 x Struggle Set 2 reps/attempts
405 x Struggle Set 2 reps/attempts
385 x 1
385 was damn difficult. Grip was a huge issue the first time around.

Deadlift Work Sets:
415 x 2
465 x 1
475 x 1
Difficult work

Dumbbell Swings:
45 x 17 x 3


M26 W4 Condtioning

CONDITIONING - Mesocycle 26 Week 4

Wednesday's workout....Felt like ****. I decided to take it easy. Did all 4 exercises in circuit fashion. Repeated the circuit twice.

Pistol Squats:
+40 x 6

13 reps

Front Planks:
BW x 60 seconds

Side Planks:
BW x 30 seconds

M26 W4 Squat Training

SQUAT TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 4

Tuesday's training....I fell off the journal updating bandwagon again...SOOO stupid! 

Front Squats:
255 x 3
285 x 3
315 x 1 <<-- Failed on 2nd rep attempt
315 x 1
275 x 3
Damn difficult. I was NOT feeling it right. 

Weighted Dips:
+45 x 8
+70 x 4
+45 x 8
OMG This is awesome!!!!


Monday, October 25, 2010

M26 W4 Press Training

PRESS TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 4

Yesterday's training 

Overhead Press:
165 x 5
185 x 2
185 x 2
165 x 5
185 x 2
This was fantastic! My old 1RM has been 185 for a good 8+ months now. Time to build on this now.

Weighted Pull-ups:
+45 x 5
+70 x 2
+70 x 2
+45 x 5
Another huge success. I was very lucky!

Cable Rows:
120 x 10
130 x 10
130 x 10

Unilateral Lat Pulldowns:
62.5 x 8 x 2
75 x 8 x 2

Pallof Press:
37.5 x 12 x 4


Sunday, October 24, 2010

M26 W4 Deadlift Training

DEADLIFT TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 4

Great training session. Had Devraj, Lorelli, Bijoy, Kaizzad, Rizwan, Sheru, Rahul....almost everyone.

Banded Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
135 x 5
225 x 5
255 x 5

Banded Deadlift Work Sets:
315 x 4
345 x 3
375 x 3
405 x Struggle Set 2 reps/attempts
405 x Struggle Set 2 reps/attempts
375 x 3
375 x 3
Very difficult. I'm happy with this.

Deadlift Work Sets:
415 x 2
465 x 2
I started chatting with some people and took a 25 minute gap between 415 and 465. So retarded of me...But both sets were good and strong.

Russian Twists:
45 x 10 x 5
Teh Corezzz...


M26 W3 Full Body Training

FULL BODY TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 3

Wednesday's training...

Back Squats:
275 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5
So awesome...

13 reps

Called it quits...


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

M26 W3 Squat Training

SQUAT TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 3

Today's workout....Good day at work 

Front Squats:
255 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 2 <<-- camera malfunctioned
295 x 1
275 x 3
275 x 1
Worked on the butt wink. The last set was just for that.

Weighted Dips:
+35 x 8
+45 x 6
Very happy. Gonna build on this next session...

Hanging Air Kicks:
BW x 7 x 3


M26 W3 Press Training

PRESS TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 3

Sunday training...

Unilateral Overhead Press:
65 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 4
75 x 2
70 x 5

Weighted Pull-ups:
+35 x 6
+35 x 6
+35 x 6
Total = 18 reps
I need to be more aggressive with these. Enough high rep work. Time to go back to the 50-75 range.

Cable Rows:
120 x 10
130 x 10
130 x 10

Unilateral Lat Pulldowns:
50 x 8
62.5 x 8
62.5 x 11

Swiss Ball Jackknife Pikes:
BW x 10 x 3

Hammer Curls:
50 x 5 x 2

What an awesome session!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

M26 W3 Deadlift Training

DEADLIFT TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 2

Saturday's training was awesome. I almost had the whole gang in the house....Kanishk, Bijoy, Devraj, was a blast!

Banded Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
135 x 3
135 x 3
225 x 4
255 x 5

Banded Deadlift Work Sets:
315 x 4
345 x 3
345 x 3
375 x 2
375 x 2
The looks that I got were pretty funny lol...This was damn difficult. Next week the approach to this is going to be different. I am going to be working up to a "Struggle Set". What this basically means is that I am going to work up to a weight which I cannot lockout - a weight with which I will struggle when it is at my knees or thereabouts. After this Struggle Set I will reduce the weight and try locking out the reps. The goal is to explode off the floor on each and every set from the get go. Anyway, I'm gonna work up to the Struggle Set, do that for maybe 1 more attempt, reduce the weight, do a bunch of heavy lockouts with the bands on. Then, if I feel good I will take the bands off and do some heavy deads...otherwise I'll pack up.

Deadlift Work Sets:
415 x 2
455 x 1
455 x 1
Decent. Just wanted to get some heavish sets...nothing fancy.

Pistol Squats:
+50 x 5
+50 x 4

Front Planks:
BW x 60 seconds x 3 sets


Saturday, October 16, 2010

M26 W2 Full Body Training

FULL BODY TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 2

Session took place on Wednesday. It was really good. I realized my mistake for the previous Front Squat session (on Tuesday) had been a lack of mobility drills. That is what my form blew and I kept having that damn buttwink.

Back Squats:
275 x 5
315 x 5
345 x 1
315 x 4
Easy easy easy. I am going to play with 315 and own it. After that, my goal is to hit 365x5 by the end of the year. But right now: I want to own 315.

13 + 11 + 11 + 12 = 47 reps

Rope Pull-ups:
6 + 6 + 6 = 18 reps
Total Pull-ups = 47 + 18 = 65
So awesome!!!!!


M26 W2 Squat Training

SQUAT TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 2

Monday's training....Everything is weight x reps x sets...

Front Squats:
255 x 3 x 5

Front Planks:
BW x 60s x 3

Cable Wood Chops:
37.5 x 10 x 3


M26 W2 Press Training

PRESS TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 2

Last Sunday's is crazy. I need to budget my time better. All weights are in lbs and the format is weight x reps x sets.

Overhead Press:
165 x 4
165 x 4
165 x 4
Decent. Needs work.

Weighted Pull-ups:
+35 x 5
+35 x 6
+35 x 5
Total = 16 reps
Felt very weak.

Dumbbell Rows:
140 x 3
140 x 2
Felt like crap.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

M26 W2 Deadlift Training

DEADLIFT TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 2

This is Saturday's workout.

Last week of The Singles Scene....

Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
135 lbs x 7 reps
245 lbs x 5 reps
295 lbs x 5 reps
345 lbs x 3 reps
385 lbs x 3 reps
425 lbs x 2 reps

Deadlift Work Sets:
455 @ 92%
475 @ 96%
495 @ 100%
Average Weight = 475 lbs
Average Intensity = 96%
Great workout. 495 was the smoothest EVER. It was really wonderful to have so many strong people there with me: Kanishk, Devraj, Lorelli, Rahul..and ofcourse Sheru!!! :-) I'm going to be doing Banded Deadlifts from next week onwards....Eric's orders and I am excited!!!

Pistol Squats:
+50 lbs x 3 reps
+50 lbs x 4 reps
+50 lbs x 3 reps
+50 lbs x 4 reps
What an awesome start to this!


M26 W1 Full Body Training

FULL BODY TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 1

Last week was hell at work. I worked 14-16 hours for 4 days straight. I'm not bitching. I'm just giving excuses for not updating this log in a week!!!

Well, the bad news doesn't stop here. Last week I couldn't workout 4 times. I went in on Wednesday just to do some basic stuff because I had 45 minutes to train before the gym closed.

Front Squats:
275 lbs x 1 rep
Decided to stop here.

12 + 11 + 11 + 12 = 46 reps

M26 W1 Press Training

PRESS TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 1

This is LAST Sunday's training....I know I've been busy as hell this past week and I wanted to

Overhead Press:
165 lbs x 4 reps
175 lbs x 1 rep
175 lbs x 1 rep
155 lbs x 5 reps

Weighted Pull-ups:
+35 lbs x 7 reps
+35 lbs x 7 reps
+35 lbs x 6 reps
+35 lbs x 6 reps
Total = 26 reps

Next update to follow. Too lazy to upload these videos....

Sunday, October 03, 2010

M26 W1 Deadlift Training

DEADLIFT TRAINING - Mesocycle 26 Week 1

The most difficult week of The Singles Scene....

Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
135 lbs x 7 reps
245 lbs x 5 reps
295 lbs x 5 reps
345 lbs x 3 reps
385 lbs x 3 reps
425 lbs x 2 reps

Deadlift Work Sets:
455 @ 92%
475 @ 96%
495 @ 100%
465 @ 94%
475 @ 96%
475 x 0
455 @ 92%
455 @ 92%
455 @ 92%
455 @ 92%
465 @ 94%
Average Weight = 465 lbs
Average Intensity = 94%
Very good session. 495 was more difficult than last time. Those 4 singles with 455 are actually 2x2 sets because I was running out of time. On the whole it was an awesome session and having Kaizzad and Sheru with Devraj and Lorelli out there was just wonderful.

Standing Crunches on the Lat Pulldown Machine:
77.5 lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets
