Friday, July 02, 2010

Full Body Training 6 + UPDATE

Full Body Training 6

You guys can call this The Unilateral Day...

Unilateral Standing Overhead Press
32 kgs x 5 reps x 3 sets
34 kgs x 4 reps
Killer stuff....Increased the density on this by a LOT.

Reverse Lunges with Unilateral Overhead Press = 18 kgs x 6 reps x 2 sets

Unilateral RDLs = 12 kgs x 7 reps x 2 sets

Suitcase Deadlifts = 115 lbs x 7 reps x 3 sets

Unilateral Lat Pulldowns = 30 kgs x 12 reps and 40 kgs x 12 reps

So I have some good news. My club gym is supposed to give me permission to record my workouts in the next few days. In addition to this I found an awesome gym to workout at which is close to my house. It looks a LOT like the LA Fitness I've worked out at in Dallas. It has dumbbells which go up to 140 lbs. It allows chalk and my recording and it encourages powerlifters. It is trying to gather a powerlifting crowd which is very very small to begin with. So I am all for it. I will most likely do my very first Deadlift workout on Monday.

Given this new development, I am going to be following a new template. The exercise selection at this point is very low because I am just getting back into it. Later on I will expand this selection list.

Day 1: Deadlifts, Core Training and Hand Extensions

Day 2: Pistol Squats, Pull-ups and Core Training

Day 3: Off

Day 4: Front Squats and Core Training

Day 5: Weighted Pull-ups, Dumbbell Rows, Cable Rows, Facepulls and Core Training

Day 6: Light Front Squats, Overhead Press, Unilateral Overhead Press, Arm Work and Core Training

Day 7: Off

Day 8: Off

Day 9: Repeat

Lets see what happens though...I am gonna go pay for the gym membership tomorrow. So now I will be working out at two separate gyms....some of my workouts will be at my club gym and some will be at this new gym. Let's hope it works out though....there's many a slip between the cup and the lip after all....

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