Deadlift Training
Mesocycle 18 - Week 1
Mesocycle 18 - Week 1
Beginning Thoughts:
Been eating right for the last few days...Workout:
415 lbs x 2 reps
425 lbs x 2 reps
435 lbs x 2 reps
435 lbs x 2 reps
445 lbs x 2 reps
I had to hit 5 doubles today...My camera messed up on the first set with 435 and it got blurred (weird).
Front Squats:
185 lbs x 8 reps x 2 sets @ 65%
I am using the Brad Gillingham cycle for Front Squats for the next 12 weeks (or so). I have a feeling I overstated my lifts so I might be in a bit of trouble soon lol...
Weird Ab Exercise:
BW x 7 reps x 3 sets
Hand Extensions:
2 bands x 10 reps x 3 sets
This a new grip exercise. We're so used to training our grip (whether it be crushing grip or static grip or that third form of grip training which escaped my mind lol) that we neglect our antagonistic grip muscles. So, while I also train for squeezing my hand, this exercise forces you to open your hand. I have a video up of it too...
Deadlifts, Front Squats & Core Training:Overall Impression:
Hand Extensions:
I hope everyone is having a good week...Tomorrow is Friday finally lol!!! Cheers and good luck!!!
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