Sunday, January 03, 2010

M17 W1 Back Training

Back Training
Mesocycle 17 - Week 1

Beginning Thoughts:
Was so bloated...and still am.
Chest Supported Rows:
160 lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets
180 lbs x 3 reps
190 lbs x 2 reps
I used a lighter weight than last week for my work sets but my overall volume was through the roof. I will increase the weight after I have spent some more time getting used to this exercise and getting my form down..

BW + 20 lbs x 3 reps
BW + 30 lbs x 3 reps
BW + 40 lbs x 2 reps x 2 sets
BW + 30 lbs x 3 reps
BW + 20 lbs x 4 reps
BW + 20 lbs x 3 reps
Total Reps = 20
This just wasn't happening today...I wasn't feeling it at all. It's been a few weeks since I've done proper weighted Pull-ups so this is to be expected. I'll be fine next week - especially since I am not hitting Pull-ups 2x a week with this new template.

High Cable Rows:
75 kgs x 8 reps x 3 sets

40 kgs x 12 reps x 2 sets
I actually felt these in my traps...awesome!

Front Planks:
BW x 60 seconds x 3 sets

Hammer Curls:
22 kgs x 5 reps x 3 sets
I hate arm work...But I desperately want huge forearms
Chest Supported Rows & Pull-ups:
Overall Impression:
I hope everyone's had a great weekend full of fun, excitement and promise!

Good luck for the next week and thanks for reading as always!

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